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Guwahati, Assam, India
Writing is(to Me) a pleasure, a bliss, a trance..a transition and self-crafted FREEDOM!

Sunday 16 June 2013

Silver-tailed words

You emerge out of the shadows
I reach out to touch you
The trees drifted apart,
You become more opaque yet beautiful
The ghostly halo never leaving you
Your rays slanting down to touch the tip of the leaves
My hands taking in your colour
The beautiful silveriness spreads around
Then the voices of the dusking bugs
Welcoming you with a strange disjointed melody
Yet the stillness creeps around
(inside me)

The lake looks on.. murmuring
Frowning and forbidding
Brooding at you for taking its beauty and covering her with your silvery mist.
I sat beside it taking in the sounds in the silence.

The silence!! (the inner silence!)
Ever prevailing ever unfriendly
So where did the sounds go?
Lost in the transition of chaos of discontentment?
The breeze answers softly whispering…. silently.

I sat there
And there and now
Taking in the unnerving hushed beauty.
So hushed drowning in your own voice.

I search for my words
The darkness mocks at my faltering sounds.
Words slipping out.. falling.
A period of Mind-ly disarray
Wits, mind and hearts colliding
Turmoil of words, conflicting each other.
Leaving me with an empty yet occupied mind,
Lost…. And searching….

Then …you beamed at me
Silver-tongued with those radiant hues
Softly caressing my nervousness.
Dousing me with illumination.
What do we have?
 A time, an age where
The insight, the knowledge pertaining as it is
The expectation, the hopes as they are
Unseen and aloof staring at us
Intact and untouched.
Silent yet promising…