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Guwahati, Assam, India
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Wednesday 19 February 2014


Dreams! such a pleasant word… a world filled with an oceanic depth in which no matter how much you swim and dive you cannot come to a static surface. Dreams are rich; dreams are unique to every individual. We all have our dreams, do we not?? And it’s up to us to share our quota of dreams with others. Some dreams are vivid some are not…some are more comprehensible and some remains a mystery. It’s like trying to catch the wind, you feel it yet you cannot hold it.

Dreams are said to be the window to our unconscious mind…a way for us to look into our unconscious.
According to ‘the’ Sigmund Freud (founder of psychoanalysis) dreams are all forms of " wish fulfilment" — which can be said as ‘attempts by the unconscious to resolve a conflict of some sort, whether something recent or something from the recesses of the past.

So what is a dream?

Literally dreams are images, thoughts and emotions that we experience feel during our sleep. Dreams can be very graphic or can be very vague; filled with emotions like happiness, joy, sadness, disappointment, anger, pain and even fear.">Dreams can be divided into two main kinds; one that occurs only during our sleep when the mind is unconscious and others that occur while awake or in a state of semi wakefulness or semi conscious mind.

So why do we dream? What intentions do the dreams have? While many theories have been projected till now, no single accord regarding the dreams has surfaced. Nevertheless, it is important to regard that science is still unravelling the exact purpose and function of dreams.

A dream is a vast region and every known religion, culture of the world has it’s own different interpretation of dreams and associated superstitions. And chances are that all of us at one point or the other is often found mystifying over the mysterious substance of a dream. Today dreams and its interpretations are one of the most researched and studied upon subject. You can find all kinds of interpretations; there is psycho analytic, cultural and religious dream interpretation. Dreams are also used to foretell the future

We all want to know about our dreams, their meanings, intentions some with hope and some with apprehension. Dreams are like short movies going on in our mind giving us visuals and also make us feel. Did u ever think how a few seconds of visuals can affect your mental stamina? How a bad dream has that lingering touch to the whole day make you feel miserable, or happy or sad.

It’s never just a dream there is so much to it. Sometimes the dreams are so vivid you can almost feel them, whether you dreaming about an attack by a elephant or you get bitten by a dog you can almost feel it.. the next question comes are dreams symbolic?? Do they represent things, why is that sometime we have clear dreams and others are hidden behind an array of symbols???

Most of the times dreams are symbolic and that is the reason why dreams are studied and researched upon so much. The dream interpretations is actually a very fascinating.. You can find meaning of your dreams in books and the  internet. There are even dream dictionaries telling you about your symbolic dreams.
Here some of the symbolic interpretations of dreams:

Animals:  Animals in dreams are commonly associated concealed desires, feelings and sexual urges. Cats in the dream indicate deceive and deceit. Dogs generally indicate loyalty and friendship and also are symbolic of your skills which are ignored, but are yet to be revived. Elephants represent that you need patience to get success. Fish indicates coming of some new changes. Crocodiles represent powerful force which can be harmful or favourable. Snakes has different meanings in different cultures sometimes it represent sexual potency , sometimes sexual dissatisfaction. When you see a snake biting you, it represents hidden fears.

Chasing dreams: In a dream if you are chased by someone or some animal, it characterizes your fear of being attacked or opposed. It might mean that you have an issue in the work place or love which you have to resolve.

Dead body: A dead body in the dream usually has a positive meaning it represents good fortune and monetary gains. Some dreams can also mean oncoming doom. 

Sex: To dream about sex represents that you are sexually dormant. It also indicates repressed sexual desires and your needs for physical and emotional love. And to dream about sex with a stranger signifies that you are dissatisfied with your partner and indication of a new relationship.

Sky: Clear blue sky symbolizes new hopes and happiness and cloudy sky represents trouble. Clouds in our dreams tell us about the balance between our logical mind and our emotions. Dark clouds usually symbolize a brooding nature, or a situation in which we have dark feelings about something, and we are unable to express these feelings

Earth: Earth represents your practical nature and your need to be patient. It also symbolizes our roots, stability and foundations. If you dream of dark, rich soil it means fertility, birth and gives us a message to be creative and plant our seeds of creativity with an expectation of good result.

Water: Pure water in indicates that you are emotionally and spiritually good and muddy and dirty water represents that you are going to face troubles or there may be some bad news.

Fire: Fire symbolizes anger, passion, transformation, sexual desire and destruction. It can mean a symbol of your own internal fire and inner transformation, indication of something old is passing and something new is entering into your life.

Teeth falling:  Its one of the most common dream symbols. Many cultures, including our own diverse Indian cultures, believes that when you dream about rotten or falling teeth, then it indicates that a family member or close friend is very sick or even near death. It also indicates some deficiency in you. Losing your teeth- Feeling helpless, powerless, overwhelmed.
Decayed teeth- indicate weakening of power in the areas of health, business, finances or society. People fighting disease or suffering business losses often dream of rotten teeth.
Biting someone.-What you are doing or saying is hurting another person or you may be reacting in a childish, forceful manner in some particular situation.
Being bitten-It indicates a feeling of threat or pressurized.
Then there is the category of horror dreams, nightmares- dreams involving the dreamer having a frightening dream about ghosts, spirits, and other supernatural beings which infuse fear and dread in the dreamer. The characteristic of a nightmare is it’s frightening or has an emotional content with a sense of dread. You tend to wake up in fear in the midst of a nightmare and they have a greater impact on you and its images stay with you throughout the day.

Ghosts, in dreams, often signify shadowy apprehensions that have to be brought into the open. It represents that aspect that you fear and it’s your fear which turns them into horror images. These kinds of dreams reflect your own fears about death and death. There is also a mystical meaning to it, many claim they can speak to the dead through dreams and the ghosts appear to speak to them or convey them a message. In some cases, the spirit through the dreamers gave evidence that proved them to be the real spirits of people from the other world. It’s said that usually only the spirit people whom you care for can communicate with you in this manner.

But the question is are they for real?? Or are they just tools of pop psychology to gain attention of the people, is dream interpretation slowing becoming commercialized like palmistry, fortune telling and on the verge of becoming a sold art??

While some think it’s a voice from the other ethereal world, others believe it’s your soul communicating with you. So this has led to so many interpretations which have now taken the shape of commercial dream interpretation. But whether commercial or academic or purely for scientific gain dreams is one of the fascinating and mysterious subjects of the world which have so much to offer. Though dreams are surrounded by the halo of mysticism, psychic and religious traits, it’s mainly our subconscious mind helping our conscious mind to walk through the events of life.

And lastly all I want to say is that a dream is your and only yours alone, there is no two dreams alike, no twins so it’s up to you to decipher its meaning by diving deep in to it.  Till then keep dreaming.